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listening to "Switched On Pop" podcast

Switched On Pop 1 90s music cannon August 17,2020 I found this podcast very interesting and relatable. This session discussed how those who are a part of gen z are not familiar with many of the hits of the 90’s. The hosts and guest shared their feelings of how unfortunate it is that so many wonderful hits have seeped through the cracks of popular culture. I am a part of gen z, so it was interesting to apply myself to all that was talked about. One of the things that was discussed in this episode was the reasons that there is a gap between the music that is recognized between different generations. Of these reasons is the parents of the people. Growing up I always felt like I was far less musically cultured than my peers. There were several factors that played into this, but a big one is that my parents were not huge in to the world of music either. My siblings and I didn’t really have much exposure to the music that may be deemed as classics to many. My roommate, on the other han

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