Listening to Dippermouth Blues

This is a completely new song for me, but I can easily say that I love it! The reason that I love it is that it makes me happy. It is just one of those songs that you can listen to many times and feel happy every time! As I thought about this song, I started to think "for me, what makes a song considered a happy one?"
I usually just listen to a song and then I decide how I felt when I listened to it, but very rarely do I think about why I responded the way that I did. The first thing that I noticed was how upbeat it was. It was also super bouncy (I don't know much about musical terms, but I will try my best to explain my thoughts). I think the technical term for this is staccato. A lot of short, and quick notes. This made it the perfect foot-tapping song. It just makes you want to move. As I listened to it, I could imagine myself dancing right along with it.
I typically listen to songs because I like the lyrics. With this song, there weren't any lyrics which meant there had to be something else to keep my interest. This song did just that. There was a good amount of variation in the song, so you didn't get bored. At the same time, the song flowed really well and wasn't all over the place.
I really enjoyed this song and I recommend adding it to your go-to happy playlist!
Have a happy day!


  1. You are right that the song has an upbeat feel which in turn makes it feel happy and foot tapable. I also think you nailed the fact that a lot of the notes were staccato and articulated. It has a swing feel too which in my opinion makes it easier to feel the pulse and dance to it.

  2. I really like this song too! It reminds me of walking around Disneyland and feeling so happy. I noticed many patterns of syncopation in this song. My favorite part of the song starts at 40 seconds, when the trumpet takes on a solo and does the melody. And yes about the staccatos! The trombone solo is also super cool and creates a cool groove to the song.

  3. Yeah this definetly has a happy beat to it. This is probably one of my favortite songs on this weeks song list. It's just a good tune. There's not really a whole lot of jazz songs that I've heard that sound like this one. Most of them are a little slower and more dramatic if you know what I mean.


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