Happy Monday everyone!

This week I would like to talk about the problem with population decline. You might be thinking “what do you mean by problem? Population decline is GOOD. If the population continues to increase, we will run out of resources!”. Before this week I had similar thinking. I didn’t think that we would ever run out of resources, but I did think that as the population increases, we would have more limited resources. I have been taught “watch your carbon footprint. The world is only getting more crowded”. This week I had the opportunity to watch a documentary that opened my eyes to the truth about the world’s population. And you know what I learned? The population is increasing right now, but that is only because people are living longer. In coming years, the population will start to decline and that is because people are having fewer children, and they are having them later in life. Why is that bad? Well, that is a great question. There are lots of reasons, but the one that I think is most important, and the one that I would like to address today, is that the fewer people that are married, and the less kids people have will cause less families!

I think the most important thing about families is the support and love that they provide. It is so so important to have people there to love you and cheer you on! Yeah, you can get that outside of your family, but it is way easier if you already have that built-in support system. I have about 7 close friends that I would call up if I needed something. I know they are there for me. I have worked my whole life to get this group of close friends. Comparatively, I have 5 older siblings, very supportive parents, grandparents, and over 70 cousins and their parents. Unlike my group of friends, I became a part of that family the day I was born. I didn’t have to do anything. Yes, I have had to work to keep relationships with my family, but it is so much easier to do that because they are built in. With that many cousins, (and me being one of the younger ones) it is hard to have a close relationship with all of them, but I know that they are there when I need them.

In my family relations class this week we were able to discuss this topic. There were so many wonderful comments, and I would like to talk about a few of those. Someone brought up the fact that when children are around, people are much more aware. For example, communities with more children are typically safer because people want those kids to have a safe environment. They are going to work harder to keep violence, drugs, and other harmful things out of their communities. People also tend to be more responsible with children involved. Growing up my family went to Lake Powell every year. My older brother used to do jumps and try tricks on the wakeboard, but he doesn’t do that anymore because he has a wife and kids. If he gets hurt, there is much more on the line than there was when he was a teenager with fewer responsibilities.

Another point that was brought up was that families are where we learn to be prepared for life. Growing up I always had to share a room. It was frustrating at times, but it has prepared me to have roommates. I am aware that I am not the only one in my apartment, and so I need to be mindful of others. I also know how to work through disagreements because I have had a lot of practice with my siblings. Because I am the youngest of six kids, I have had 5 examples to follow my whole life. I have two wonderful brothers who have shown me what a respectful guy looks like. I have also been able to see this through the different guys that my sisters have dated. Because of them, I have an idea about the kind of guy I want to marry. I consider myself very blessed to have these examples in my life.

Lastly, we live in a very diverse world. Living in America, one of the most successful countries in the world, I feel an obligation to bring as many children into my home. The tools for me to be successful are much more readily available to me than people in other areas of the world. Because of my religion and family, I have knowledge and experiences that I need to pass on to future generations, and I can do that by having my own family.

My family is a big part of who I am today. Not only are they my family, but they are my friends. I look forward to getting to see them and talk to them on the phone. I know that my life is much happier and more meaningful because of them.

I hope that you learned something to from what I shared today.
Have a happy day



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