My mama

Happy Saturday Y’all!

With it being Mother’s Day tomorrow, I wanted to talk about my mom, the roles she has played in my life, and how those roles have impacted me. Maybe my experience isn’t the same as yours, but I hope that the words I share with you today can help you know who you want to be.

My mom is one of the most caring people you will ever meet. The roles that she has played in my life, have made me want to play those same roles in my children’s lives. I do not have kids yet, but I am excited for the day that I get to welcome children into my home and attempt to love them and guide them like my mom has done for me.

Here a just a few of the roles my mom has played in my life

My personal cheerleader

My mom has always supported me in everything I have done. When I was little, I tried every sport you could think of. I never lasted very long, but she supported me in my “dreams” even though they were short-lived. When I got to high school, I started playing soccer. I wasn’t very good, but my parent came to every game. That spring I decided I would try out for the softball team. I had never played before, but my parents were all for it. I didn’t make the team, but she still loved me anyway. The next year I played tennis and golf. I hadn’t played either before, so I was pretty nervous. Because of my lack of experience, I didn’t want my parents to come. Even though they really wanted to watch me play, they respected my request that they didn’t come. Towards the end of the seasons, I finally let them come, and when they did, I performed my best. I know that having people I love there to watch me, helped me to do better. I regret not letting them come sooner. My siblings also played sports growing up, and no matter how far away the games were, my parents were there cheering them on.

My personal cook

This one might not seem like a big deal, but it is to me. My mom has been blessed with the ability to cook really good food, and everybody who knows her knows this. Growing up I didn’t like eating in the mornings. No matter how much I fought her, she would make me eat breakfast she knew it was important for me to start my day off with that fuel. She would wake up before school every single morning and make me breakfast. On top of that, she packed me gourmet lunches to take to school Every. Single. Day. If something came up and she didn’t have time to make it, she would bring it to me.

My confidant

My mom has always been the one I have gone to. If I was struggling with something and just needed to get it out, I would go to her. She would listen to me, hold me, and give me the right advice. I knew I could go to her, and if I asked her to keep it private, she would. Even now where I am at college, I can call her and tell her the things that are on my mind.

My Best Friend

My mom is my best friend. I call her every day even if I don’t have anything new to say. The other day I facetimed her while I was doing my homework and just sat the phone there so I could “be by her” while I was working. I love spending time with her. She is so funny and can make me laugh so hard. She motivates me to be better.

Everything my mom does is because of her love for God and His children.

The roles that we decide to take on in life are so important. They impact our families and everyone else around us. Look for the roles that you see people play. Do you want to play those same roles in your life? Maybe your parents played roles in your life that were hard for you. If so, don’t repeat those them. Decide who you want to be and what roles you want to play. Whatever you decide, please be intentional. You have an impact on those around you.

I hope you have a good day and remember to always LOVE


P.S. The roles my dad has played are just as meaningful to me. I look up to him, and I hope to find a husband like him one day. I love him so much.


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