Listening to "The Circle Game"


The song that I chose to listen to this week is “The Circle Game” performed by Joni Mitchell. I have never heard of this song before or this artist. I had no idea what it would sound like when I pressed play. I was very surprised. I really liked listening to this song.

Now let me tell you why I liked it so much.

What stood out to me the most was the feeling of the song. It is on of those songs that helps you to feel good and happy inside. I imagined myself laying on my back, staring at the ceiling, and just letting my mind clear as I listened. This is such a soothing song.

There are several components that add to the calming sense of this song. The first is the rhythm of the song. It is smooth, soft, and consistent. Another thing that I loved was the instrumental portion of the song. Many of the songs we have been listening to in class have very complex instrument use. There are several different instruments that are often all played very intensely. In this song, it sounds like the only instrument is a guitar. It is quiet and complementary to the song, and the chords are enough to keep you locked in, but not too much to overwhelm the calmness. The singer's voice is also a wonderful fit. One last thing that caught my attention was the backup singers that joined in every time the chorus came in. When songs have back up singers like this, often times the voices kind of mesh together and it sounds like one voice but with more depth. In this song, the voices blend well, but they sound distinct and different. This works really well and adds a different feeling to the song. The different voices work well together while still standing out on their own.

I highly recommend listening to this song.

I hope that you have a great week!



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