Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

When two people get married, they merge their lives together. They become a partnership. Because of this, what impacts one of the partners impacts the other. The choices that each of them makes no longer just apply to one of them. Because of this, husband and wife should communicate so that they are on the same page. They should make big decisions together.

Making big decisions together will not always be easy because husband and wife often see things differently. This gives the couple a wonderful opportunity to work together and strengthen their relationship. The only way that they can effectively make decisions together is by properly communicating.

I would like to relate families to a soccer team. In soccer, each person has a position. Each position plays a different purpose, but they all work to achieve a common goal: win the game. The primary purpose of a forward is to score while the defenders’ primary purpose is to keep the other team from scoring. Although each has a different responsibility, they need to work together and communicate in order to be successful in their roles and ultimately win the game. I have found that the team works best together as they respect, love, and have a connection with one another.

There are many things that can contribute to high-quality communication, but I would like to focus 
on a few things.

When each person feels safe and comfortable sharing their own ideas, thoughts, and feelings, making decisions can become easier. This can happen as each husband and wife facilitate open communication by creating a “safe place”. A way that this can be done is by taking the time to show love and appreciation for one another. When people feel that they are loved and appreciated, they will feel that what they have to contribute will be appreciated.

Another thing that can facilitate good communication is by spending time together. As you spend quality time with your spouse, you will draw closer to them and you will enjoy being around them more. Doing so will make communication easier and more natural. Spending time with others can also increase your desire to communicate with them. Not only can spending quality time together to strengthen communication, having good communication can strengthen your desire to spend time with one another, and it will make that time spent more enjoyable.  

Having open communication and an exchange of ideas is only beneficial as husband and wife are open minded. They should be willing to set aside their desires and accept new ideas. This is best done as each spouse focuses on finding the truth instead of focusing on being right and getting what they want. When people truly seek to find the truth, something beautiful happens. Instead of compromise, where people meet in the middle while sacrificing until they are both satisfied, there will harmony and unity.

Unity and harmony should be the goal of a couple. According to Google, harmony is “the quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole”. I really like this definition. As husband and wife work to form a pleasing whole, their marriage will become happier. There is a saying that says something along the lines of “a system as a whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. Each individual on their own may contribute wonderful things to the family, but more joy and satisfaction will come as they work together and become one.

In a family, we each have roles. We should do our best to fulfill those roles, but we can only do that as we work together and communicate. Good communication will most likely not come naturally. It will take effort, but it will be worth it.

I hope that we can all try a little harder to improve our communication with one another. As we do so, I believe we will be able to have more happiness and joy in our lives.

Have a happy week!



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