Challenges of Divorce

Divorce has different challenges that many people may not be aware of. I have never experienced the pains of divorce on a personal level, so I don’t know a lot of the hardships and pain that accompany divorce. Today I would like to talk about some of the challenges that I have seen. I hope that as I talk about some of these things, we can have eyes of understanding, compassion, and love.

When two people get in a divorce, they are not the only ones who are impacted. If the husband and wife have kids, those kids are going to be affected too. I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to have your parents split up. I think that it would be really hard knowing that your family is no longer going to be the same as it has been. Many different changes occur when two people get in a divorce.

The reasons for divorce vary, but the parents’ relationship will probably be much different than it was before. This can also mean that other relationships within the family will change. For some kids, the divorce of their parents forms a wedge between them. This can be because of anger, sadness, or many other things. The relationship between siblings can also change especially if they are split up and live with different parents.

A change in the living situation is also something that would be hard. Families have to decide if there is going to be joint custody, or if only one parent will get custody of the kids. On top of changing who each child lives with, children often have to move homes, neighborhoods, or sometimes even states. This could mean that children will need to give up different hobbies or live away from friends and family.

Another challenge that I think would come from going through a divorce is the decrease or lack of security. From what I have experienced, being in a family provides people with a “safe place”. A family is a support system that people have from day one. I know a lot of families who have close relationships with one another and confide in each other. When a family experiences a divorce, that could really change.

The parents also go through a lot of hard things during a divorce. For some people, a divorce is pushed by their spouse; it may not be something that they really want. I think that this would be really difficult. I can imagine that it would be hard to separate from someone that you have shared time, experiences, and feelings with. Divorce is a mutual decision for some people, but that doesn’t mean that it won’t happen without pain.

Not only can divorce bring out a lot of pain, but there are also a lot of other challenges that come with it. When a husband and wife divorce, they aren’t just separating their relationship. When two people get married, they merge their lives together. What is one of theirs, becomes both of theirs’. A divorce means that they have to divide things and figure out who gets what. This can pose a great difficulty especially when things can’t just be divided in half.

I think that divorce is harder than most of us realize. I pray that we can all be a little bit kinder and more understanding of divorce. You can never be sure about the challenges that others are going through, so we should always choose to be kind. I hope that we can be slow to judge and quick to love. Reach out to others and love them.


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