Working Together

Every family goes through hard times. There is no way to avoid it, so how a family reacts to these hard times is very important.

These hard times are going to have an impact on families, but those impacts depend on how families respond to hardships. Not only can the way a family responds to the situation prevent negative effects, but their response can actually allow them to come out better than before. I would like to share with you some of the things that I believe families can do to become stronger in hard times.

1. Recognize that there is a challenge

Identify that there is a challenge and that the challenge is hard. Some people choose to ignore the fact that a challenge is present. This can be harmful because if the problem is not recognized, they cannot work toward a solution.

2. Work together to determine what is going to be done

There are two key components of this step that I would like to point out. The first is that the family should work together. A family should be a team. In a team, no one is on their own. If someone is struggling, the whole team is affected. The team will only have success as they work together. Families will be successful as they work together and lift each other.

The second component is the phrase “what is going to be done”. This implies that action is going to be taken. When facing something hard, the answer should never be to “do nothing”. When we choose to act, we are choosing to take control of how the situation affects us.  

3. “Fake it till you make it”

No matter how hard the situation is, I feel that it is so important to have a positive mindset. Our minds are powerful. If we believe that all hope is lost, then we will begin to act as if it really is. If we believe that the hardships that we are going through are going to tear out family apart, it is likely that it will. This is because when we believe something to be true, we often act in such a way that models that belief. This is why we need to “fake it till you make it”. Even when times are hard, you need to tell your self that you will make it through. Tell yourself that you are strong. When you tell yourself this, you are providing yourself with the ability to do what you are telling yourself. 

4. Turn to each other

When facing hard times, I think that it is safe to say that everyone turns to something for comfort. What you choose to turn to has a great impact. My advice is to turn to your family. Don’t struggle alone, and do not let your family members struggle alone. Communicate with them. Take this opportunity to grow closer to your family.

5. Don’t give up

Some challenges only last a short amount of time, some may have no end in sight. Whatever you do, do not give up. Keep trying. Keep turning to each other. Don’t lose hope.

6. Find joy in the Journey

An important part of life is experiencing joy. It is not enough to just persevere. I have found that my family is one of the greatest sources of joy in my life. Spend time with your family. Do fun things together. Laugh together. Love each other. Although doing so probably won’t take the hard stuff away, it will make it easier.

7. Turn to God

I know not everyone believes in a higher power, but I know that my belief in God is what has gotten me through my challenges. It gives me hope. My belief in Him has allowed me to find joy in the journey and to keep trying. My belief has motivated me to turn to my family and see the power in doing so. It has allowed me to stay optimistic. My belief in God has given me hope.

These are not necessarily steps that should be done in a specific order. They are simply things that I feel are important in coping with hard times. Whatever you are going through or will go through, please don’t let it tear your family apart. Allow it to be something that brings you together and leaves you stronger and more capable than before.


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